The 12th GameDuell TechTalk is taking place on Wednesday, April 4 2012 and features yet another great speaker - Dr. Torsten Lodderstedt, who will discuss the theme of ‘Securing Internet Services with OAuth 2.0.

About the speaker

Dr. Torsten Lodderstedt is the product owner of Identity and Customer Management for the German telecommunications company, ‘Deutsche Telekom’.
In the IETF, he works as part of the OAuth working group on protocol specification, his specialty is mobile apps and security. With him, he brings his experience from Deutsche Telekom, i.e. the implementation of services for identity management.
Lodderstedt is part of the OAuth group which has only three members world-wide while he is the one representing the group in Europe.
This GameDuell TechTalk is aimed toward computer scientists, developers and those with a technical interest. The presentation will focus on technical innovations, or rather conceptual developments. The experts will share their knowledge and answer questions from guests.

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